12 August 2007


Right now we're sitting in a Best Western in Lander, Wyoming. There are horses grazing outside our hotel and pronghorn and elk statues a block down the road on "Main Street." We lucked out and found a hotel to stay in so we don't have to sleep in our car along side the road tonight (thank you, God!). Gene's enjoying watching cable right now (a rare treat for us), and I got the job of posting a few snapshots that we took over the past few days. Enjoy!

The Big Blue Bear that is "peaking" inside the Denver Conference Center.

Robby and Janelle, two of the three children that we got to stay with for our week in Colorado. We loved our time with their family.

One of the many pictures of the beautiful landscape that Gene made me take on our six hour drive through Wyoming today.

Another "quick, grab the camera!" shot for my hubby.

The horses that are grazing outside our window right now.

One of the many statues down the street in Lander.


Becca said...

Looks like you guys are having a great trip! I love seeing through your blog the way you two make memories together.

I think I know Robby and Janelle. Or more their mother but small world?

Anonymous said...

YOU MADE IT!!! Part of the way, at least!

What a lovely time we had having you guys with us last week. The house is...
missing...our 'friends' :)

Yes, Becca, it's the Craig kids! Hello!!