This past weekend my loving husband graciously offered to help me rearrange/clean out our living room/dining room/foyer/some parts of the bedroom & closet. This was no small task, but with double the man power, it went fairly quickly. We got rid of some of the furniture in the living room to give us more room and put some pieces into the "foyer," including the TV stand (which I'm thinking about turning into a baby's changing table for the time being). We made the decision to get rid of our TV in the living room since we only get two channels on it anyway. This has helped to create a more "homey" atmosphere, and we're finding that we are spending more time listening to Christian music on the radio/CD player instead of having Jeopardy on in the background in the evenings. I like this switch a lot (I'm still not sure what Gene thinks....I know that he's still waiting until we get a house so that he can get cable and finally watch a football game without squinting through the fuzzy screen.) Tonight Gene even led us in starting back up "Family D.E.A.R. time." D.E.A.R. is an acronym that us teachers use with our kids that means Drop Everything And Read (like silent reading time). After dinner Gene said, "Ok, Babe! It's DEAR time!" I looked at him with a weird look on my face and then we each grabbed a book and read for an hour. Well, I'm still trying to decide if I like this tradition or not because at 6:45pm Gene declared that he was falling asleep from reading and went to bed! He's been asleep for almost 3 hours so far and it's only 9:45! And I thought I was the one pregnant who needed sleep.
Anyway, enjoy some pictures of our rearranging from this weekend. They aren't BEFORE and AFTER pictures like I should have taken. Instead Gene said in the middle of moving stuff around, "Hey, why don't you take some pictures while we are in the middle of this mess." So it's more like DURING and AFTER pictures.

Gretch---you'll have to shield your eyes when you look at the 6th picture. The glare from the "gold chair" is blinding, but I think it goes perfectly with the blue and brown plaid couch in the background. What do you think?! :) (I finally did it. I took off the awful, faded red slipcover and am revealing the true colors of "the couch." Oh, glorious will the day be when we move out of the apt. and get real grown-up furniture!)
That looks great! I think it's wonderful how you were able to finagle some extra room AND implement some reading time (sorry, spoken like a true English teacher, I know). Congratulations on making your home even more homey!
Hilarious. I have a special place in my heart for that gold chair! In fact, the mauve one is in my living room. Maybe someday they will be reunited! RIP dear red slipcover. :)
You two sure get the prize for being able to rearrange furniture in the most ways in the smallest space. Who would have ever thought there would be yet another way to display your beautiful gold chair that best compliments your plaid couch. You make your Mother proud, Renee.
(I'm getting used to my other "new" name so I have to use it.)
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