I have to say that being pregnant has definitely made me quite stupid. My brain doesn't quite work the same as it did. I often find myself spinning in circles looking for something that's right in front of me, or driving in the wrong direction when I'm trying to get somewhere that I have been to a million times. Gene often just stands there shaking his head (while also taking the car keys from my possession).
The other day I was on the phone with Gene as I left the house for work. Of course I was trying to balance too many things in my hands at the same time. I was holding the phone in one hand, a cup of hot chocolate was in the other. My purse, school bag, and lunch box hung off my one shoulder. A letter I had to mail was also stuffed somewhere in my hands. Of course all this was taking place while I was trying to walk up stairs and put on my coat hood at the same time because it was raining. I said into the phone, "OH, no! Where are my keys. Oh, great! I lost my keys, Babe. (hot chocolate teetered in my hand) Oh, no! Don't drop the hot drink, Renee! Where are my keys?! Oh, my word! They are right here in my hand!" Needless to say, Gene just replied back, "I think I better go so you can concentrate on getting to the car!"
The next episode took place the following day during lunch at school. I had just opened up a microwaveable meal and put it on top of the little box and shoved it into the microwave. I turned around to the table where my co-workers were seated and began to clean up the trash that I had created from tearing my meal out of the box. I got a worried look on my face and exclaimed, "Where in the world did I put the box that my meal came out of? I didn't throw it away because I haven't walked over to the trash can yet! Where did it go? Am I going crazy?" Just then it dawned on me that my box was in the microwave where it was supposed to be, heating up my meal. My co-workers looked at me with worried looks as I said, "Oh, my word! I'm losing my mind!" My one co-worker replied back, "Don't be surprised. It only gets worse!"
The third episode occurred a few weeks ago. Gene and I got in the car to drive to Care Group, a place we go every Tuesday. I was driving (although I don't know why Gene allowed me to). I started down the road and saw that there was a ton of traffic at this one light. So, me in my brilliance, said that I was going to take a short-cut to Care Group. I proceeded to turn in the opposite direction and got us stuck in even more traffic. Gene just exclaimed, "Where in the world are you going?!?! We are supposed to be going north and you are driving south!"
While having a conversation with our pastor the other day, Gene asked, "So, Braden, does it get any better? Will she eventually get her brain back?"
Braden just replied, "Well, my wife has never really been the same since."
I don't think this gave Gene very much hope for the future! haha
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