22 April 2010

a toddler conversation

Last week my sister was here with her two kids. Her son, Avery (two years old), was having a conversation with Callan (also two years old). I overheard some of it and died laughing. Here's how the conversation played out:

(background info: Avery calls Callan "Guk"...no one knows why, but he does. And Callan calls Cookie Monster "Da Da Da"...again, no one knows why, but he does.)

Callan: (pointing at Avery who is wearing a Cookie Monster shirt) "Da Da Da!!!"
Avery: (looking puzzled)
Callan: "Da Da Da!!!" (Callan is very excited at this point.)
Avery: "Guk, no Da Da Da. Me Avery!"

1 comment:

Kristin said...

So cute!