21 June 2009

Father's Day #2

This is Father's Day #2 for the hubby. I've been jealous of my husband lately. Ever since he's been off school for the summer (a whole 2 days so far), he's already taught Callan several things that I've been trying to teach him for months, and Callan cries whenever Gene leaves the room. They have become quite the buddies in the past two days. Cries of "Dadda! Dadda! Dadda!" fill the room whenever Gene walks into the house after being away. Callan barely notices when I come home. haha

It's very cute to see him latch on to Gene, though. Callan couldn't have a better role model to look up to or learn from. I love seeing my two men bond over the movie, Ice Age, or building a tower with blocks...just to knock it over.

I'm extremely grateful for how Gene has cared for me the past few months since I found out I was pregnant. He's been quick to get up early to care for Callan and let me sleep in. These extra hours have been precious to me!

Thanks, Babe, for being a great father! Next year at this time you'll have two kiddos who will adore you.

Here are some pics of when we visited the zoo in May. Gene's doing what he does best...teaching Callan all about useless animal facts! (By the way, the one animal in the whole zoo that Callan was scared of was the cow in the petting zoo!)

1 comment:

Rosie said...

bring him up sometime and he can see the "baby cows"! ...much less intimidating...